Now this is something insulting enough to get banned in the U.S. Check this out!

Super ideja kā darba laikā izlādēties un beigās arī saņemt kādu "reward" darba dienas beigās - DDB darbs. Ko lai saka - nu saista mani tās alus reklāmas :)

Ģenētiski modificēts trusis-pantēra ar turbo dzinēju uz ledus - lūk tas ir ātrums! Goodby un Silverstein kreatīvais risinājums.

Which office employee would not want to have the guts to do something like this. Watching this ad really motivates to go out for some Guinness after the day is over! Great job from BBDO New York production company!

Dumb Grass

Posted by Tomass at 14:55 0 Comments

For my first post on this blog about interestng and funny AD solutions I'd like to share this "Denver Water" idea.