You know how cool it looks when a professional bartenders are juggling the bottles at the bar. But if you decide to try those moves at home maybe it would be smarter to take some extra precautions so the people or/and property don't get harmed in the process.
You know that feeling when sometimes life just doesn't seem to be fair? Well in some cases you shouldn't just blame all on karma and carry on but just go and find some legal help.
How do you know if your child is born to be a famous movie director? Well this AD might give you a hint what kind of child behavior might be sign for you.
What celebrity it would take to advertise products meant for real men the best? It should be someone who really knows how to live, how to party and whose lifestyle is so bizarre that it's not possible not to envy him.
If you are a reel beer lover than you know that for the best enjoyment of beer some preparation is required. In this AD the preparation is being taken to a whole new level.
Now this is one great invention for really serious beer drinkers - the "shotgun friendly" punch-top can. With the faster and smoother flow of the beer watch the world become blurry in just a matter of minutes.
Really cute Audi A6 commercial with little girl explaining why her dad might be an Alien.
Have any product or service that needs help selling? There's no better solution than clever advertising! If you feel skeptical just check out this AD for Thinkbox TV advertising.
We've already learned that Yiayia has an opinion on pretty much anything. Check out this AD to see what Yiayia thinks about technology - this time about video chat.
Once again Yiayia is back and just like before she doesn't mind sharing her opinion about the lifestyle of our youth.
Who said that stories with feelings involved are for girls? You just have to find a right target to express those feelings for - like beer and snacks.
This AD once again proves that the best way to bond with someone is while solving a common problem together. In this particular case in rather embarrassing way though.
This is one of those ADs that go straight to the creepy category. In this case for the very special way of showing that Toohey cider might not be as sweet as you might think.
Really fun AD by Ogilvy & Mather, which explains how to create a perpetual engine from just a few common items.
Even if most of the fun beverage commercials are mostly for soda and alcoholic drinks there are some exceptions, when actually a healthy drinks are being advertised with some more fun and creativity, like in this AD by NYC Health Department.
You know that feeling when even in the busiest of days your mind tends just to drift away and find itself in the places you would like to be the most? Really great feeling - that meditation state... But you've got to admit that it's not the best state to be in when you're driving. So BMW found solution to exactly that specific problem.
Got tired of all the detergent commercials where brand just dully compares their product to "regular detergents"? Well then try this one up for size - Woolite AD done by Rob Zombie.
I would really like to see how the creative agency sold the idea of this commercial to the client.
If you ever wondered how the commercial created by heavy metal singer or/and horror movie director would look like, than here's your answer - AD for Amdro made by Rob Zombie.
In this AD Agent Provocateur with the little help of The Pencil Agency prove the unquestionable statement in company's slogan: "Sexy never takes a day off".
When friday comes it's a great time to ask yourself questions that really matter - like "Can you drink a Captain Morgan Spiced and cola while building a model ship that serves your friends?"
This ad once again proves that the biggest investment not always brings the best result. And what's more important it teaches that if by any chance you find yourself in the same kitchen with Gordon Ramsay you better run for your life.
Now this is what I call an ultimate real men AD - cars, danger, explosions. I bet that this badass snack would go great with this badass beer!
When choosing the car to drive in winter conditions it's very important, that besides superior technical parameters and good looks the car would also be safe. And who might desire safety more on the Christmas eve than the main character of this AD...
If for instance Canal Digital gave us the opportunity to see what it would be like to live in the movies, then in this viral video TNT gave some lucky Belgian people the chance to actually experience it. If you still haven't seen this great AD than you definitely should.
I don't believe that it would possible to find more suitable actor for this Bavaria beer AD than Charlie Sheen. Why? If you are guessing that it might be because of Charlies countless addictions you are completely right.
I find this AD a really good inspiration for a weekend. And if you think how the creators of this AD KesselsKramer got to this idea I might give you a little hint - agency is based in Amsterdam.
Every choice and decision in your life will affect your future in one way or another. With the right attitude you can achieve any goal you desire or blow it with the wrong one.
We already know what astonishing effects Axe products cause on women. But this time it's a bit different - could you imagine what apocalyptic events something like Axe Anachy shower gel could trigger?
Of course it's always fun to tease someone. But you must be careful so the thing you tease with isn't more important to you "victim" that your well being.
It's almost always a great challenge when having to face your girlfriend's parents for the first time. One of the exceptions is if you are like this guy!
Beer is truly magnificent and majestic creature. Just like a hunter the real appreciator of beer must first get to know his prey and study it's behavior in it's natural habitat, so when the right time comes he knows exactly what to expect and how to act.
Watching this explanatory video really gives you the insight of the majestic creature that beers actually are. It also explains why you should buy not less than two beers at a time.
It seems that men and women are not so different after all and just like you can advertise beer to men with half naked ladies you can advertise vodka to women with half naked men.
If you think that Irish beer is just a refreshing drink that leaves no visible consequences on it's consumer? Check out this AD and think again.
Till now I knew that there were drug addicts, alcohol addicts, sex addicts an so on, but now thanks to Salma Hayek it seems that there are one more group of addicts lurking our streets day and night looking for their "fix" - milk!
This DB Export Dry beer AD really spoke to me - I can't even account for how many times I've been in the situation when in some events you are practically forced to drink wine (because everyone is doing it) and pretend that you like that girly drink, while actually desperately craving for an ice cold beer... Mmmm - beer...
What are the things you want to taste in your beer? Is it a Kung-Fu punch, hard rock or the taste of victory? If yes, than guess what - Hahn beer is just the right brew for you!
When going to the store to buy a new razor do you ever ask yourself is it really necessary for razor to have 10 blades, vibrate and have a flashlight function? If you have, than this AD has an answer!
Of course you know the story about three little pigs and the wolf. But have you ever thought that you've heard the story from just one point of view? Here's the modern interpretation of the story by Guardian from a bit different angle.
Which man wouldn't wish to have his own bar at home... But then there are girlfriends and wives who most probably wouldn't be to supportive on that kind of enterprise. This AD from Coors Light offers great solutions for both problems.
This is a really revealing commercial - after watching it I finally realized that when you feel unhappy the best cure is actually a "happy hour" at the bar (with all the consequences of course)!
In this AD Nissan takes us to the world where not only cars but all modern appliances are running on gas. And I must admit that it definitely wouldn't be the most enjoyable environment to live in.
Who do you think would make the greatest movie director? Would it be someone who has a degree in cinematography, someone talented and driven, someone with creative and original thinking, or maybe it could be someone who's life is dedicated to watching movies? Watch this commercial to find out the answer.
It's late, dark, you come home, open your apartment's door and find your walls covered with bloody fingerprints... Yes, this is the beginning of the AD for Pizza Hut - check out the whole AD here (If you dare)...
This fun AD from Fallsview casino really made my day. Talking about right choices and luck - the main character in this commercial is the definition of both!
Everyone of us remembers the good times we had with our dearest friends. But do the worlds biggest dictators feel the same? This AD tries to answer just that queastion.
There were not too much funny Ads at this years Super Bowl, but this one I really liked - the dog who really knows how to run with style.
To pinpoint that the new reinvented Toyota Camry is "available with everything you could possibly want" Saatchi&Saatchi go further to see what you might want reinvented other aspects of your life. For instance I would take combination of reinvented curtains and rain - check out why.
At first when I saw this AD I got a little bit scared that Audi had fallen as a victim to that disturbing Twilight trend but further development of the plot put my mind at ease again.
Another quite fun AD from the Super Bowl 2012 starring Jerry Seinfeld who desperately tries to be the first to acquire the new Accura NSX.
For me it's quite hard to understand what is it that makes people (I'm thinking modern, urban citizens) actually to want to get a pet... Well this commercial gives at least one argument (still highly impossible one) for it.
Do you ever feel that you might need to start working out and lose some weight? Well if you can't fit through the door of your own home than you you're definitely right.
For the Super Bowl KIA changed their hamsters to Adriana Lima and Motley Crew and I must admit It's a really good change.
It seems that guys at KIA have found the best driving power to sell their cars, and so once again the hamsters are back!
For a real tough journey you need a really tough car. So after sniffing paint (that would explain the plot of this commercial) it's better to choose a car that can hold on against most obstacles in your way, because you'll definitely won't be able to avoid them in that condition.
As intended this commercial shows how great the "movies on demand" feature, but what's most important it teaches you to stay away from Norwegian social-realism movies from 70's.
There are probably millions of scenarios what could happen to you if you catch a computer virus or leak your connections database on the web. Well here's one scenario which might be especially common between male population.
Here's another crazy Old Spice AD from Wieden+Kennedy. This time starring Terry Crews and it's literately "mind blowing".
It seems that some of the influential people at Volkswagen might be real Star Wars fans, because once again (after their "Force" AD) they've turned to same theme - this time with this viral video of dog choir singing the "Imperial march".
Would you ever think of using the good old "regular washing powder" comparison story to advertise a horror series? Well these guys have and now check out what was the result.
What would make a music production house really great? Well judging by this commercial it's the ability to turn even the complete s**t in something that sounds good.
Really fun viral video from LG. And what I like the best, it's that when you see the ending you really want to see it one more time - just to be sure.
Everyone knows how the models are being "photo-shopped" for the perfect look in the AD's. Well here's much easier and cheaper way to loose some extra defects for the photo shoot (or for your regular Facebook profile picture update).
I really believe the statement that laziness is the driving power to most greatest inventions and ideas - this commercial illustrates just that.
I've heard that some cars are being called "chick magnets" because they have great design, they are exclusive, expensive and might even seem "sexy". Well in this commercial Subaru offers us "sexy" Japanese style (comes standard by the way).
Actually I would rather call this commercial "The Evolution of Geek". And I must admit to be proud to be one of them.
When you imagine any food factory and it doesn't matter if it's the one with people in white overalls behind the conveyor belts or even Willy Wonka's one it sure blows big time comparing to one in this AD. Though I believe that working here would be a real pain in the pants...