I believe that most men are familiar with the situation in this AD - being dragged along in the shopping mall. So Pepsi Max offers a solution - witty escape.
I really liked this commercial because it teaches that if you do something totally awkward and wrong it doesn't mean that you are an idiot - it means that you are an innovator.
Have you ever thought (or maybe experienced) how would it feel to go to a fast food restaurant while totally tripping on acid, cocaine and mescaline mixed with heavy alcohol? I believe it might look something like this Burger King (Russia) AD.
Here's one more AD from "Should've gone to Specsavers" series. And just like in the "Sauna" AD Specsavers once again show how important it is to take care of you eyesight to protect yourself fro really embarrassing situations.
If you address the saying from the previous AD "You are what you eat" on this guy, than he would just stay himself - take a look why.
Who haven't heard the old saying "You are what you eat"? I really hope that the saying and this commercial are wrong because I'd be rather disappointed if one day I wake up as a spicy Kebab...
This one is really great ad from Weetabix, showing that every member of the family has it's own "Big days" when they need that extra strength and energy to get through the day.
Another great advice from Foot Locker - this time it's about the importance of personal choices and responsibility.
How would you react if your parents found out that you've been ordering Porn through Pay Per View and wanted to discuss it? Well in this AD the accused kid seems to be the next PR genius!
This definitely wouldn't be the 1st way I'd think to advertise power tools, nether it would be the 2nd or even 207th. It actually makes just as much sense as this commercial. But what the hell do I know - just check this out.
Just like in previous commercial Toshiba continues to show the grim consequences when gadgets are not equipped with all latest technologies. Also they finally reveal the well kept secret about how the zombies are created.