It's much smarter to call your girlfriend by nickname - that's how if you get a new one you won't get in an awkward situation by accidentally calling her by you'r ex'es name!
With the new Mercedes you can not only make your friends jealous, but also disappoint death itself (sorry).
"Helping Hands" - now this is really one great feature to get with your meal to go. Because let's face it - you can't do too much when your hands are full with juicy premium chicken!
Just like in a romantic movie - it's a hot summer day, you're doing your yard work, suddenly you hear music over the fence and when you look over you see something so amazing by the pool you just can't stop staring...
What do you call a man who's house is built out of beer cans? Environmentally responsible, or just a real beer lover?
Here you can see some nice men that would gladly meet you and have a really close (probably unwilling) relationships with you. All you have to do is have some drinks and than get behind the wheel.
Snickers continues their "You are not yourself when you hungry" series with another funny ad - this time starring Joe Pesci.
Well... This is definitely an original way to exploit healthy man's reproductive system. I'm just glad she didn't have to get the soda bottle opened or something...
Peta must be pretty desperate in finding new followers if they've came up with something like this. But on the other hand what in the world could be sexier than "humpin' a pumpkin"...
Don't you just love when your friends share your private information and secrets in public? But what the hell - what can be more funny than diarrhea anyway!
This commercial somehow reminds me of Mr. Magoo... I wonder why...
Is it wrong to lie? Well, probably it is... But if you have (or want) to do so, than make sure that you do it from the safe position - inside of your Land Rover will do just fine!
I just like the way how office employees are being shown as sheep. Human resource guy with 6 generation work experience also sounds promising.
This would be a really great product - special telecommunication plan for insulting your enemies. Design of the the box is already priceless.