What better way to settle all your dilemmas with friends than with a classic "rock, paper, scissor" game - especially when you know the "special" moves! (Just got to put this move to practice sometime)
Another great commercial from Bud Light in which product placement principles are being explained. If I was a film producer all my movie scenes would definitely look just like that!
Maximum security luxury prison - the kind of prison you would actually rather get in than out. Really great AD by Audi!
Have you ever heard an expression "what would Jesus do"? Judging by this AD he won't do nothing that you should take example of...
Funny and a bit creepy AD by BIC, which gives you a good lesson what to do to reach the best results in sliding naked on your stomach on ice. And yes - you can actually play the "Human curling" game afterwards!
If only I had a penny for every time I've found myself in a situation like this... I probably wouldn't have any pennies... Well maybe one or two...
This definitely gets my "trippiest beer commercial" award! C'mon what's the idea behind this one - does it suggest that you have a cold beer after acid over-dosage?
Money, power, success... is there an aroma that could embrace all these qualities? Yes there is and apparently it's Bacon! Yes - someone actually have made cologne with the "sophisticated" scent of bacon!
This Rico character is just amazing - who else would use lines like "It's much harder to put yourself fist" when talking to his co-passenger on a flight
Pretty funny Air NZ AD with the squirrel Rico making suggestive remarks when sharing his impressions of New Zealand
When doing something as epic and unbelievable as spending the day with an alien (or Justin Bieber) be sure not to lose the evidence or else your story will be interpreted as another "how high was I" days...
Very unusual approach for an anti Aids campaign - how else can you describe vintage cartoon styled video about a horny cat getting involved in cross-species sexual relations...