This is the burden you have to carry when wearing stylish jeans - no more romantic evenings and walks in the park. And they leave right after getting what they've wanted... women...
There are a lot of things you could do instead of watching TV! But why bother?
The Skoda building process seems to be slightly different from all the other cars around... definitely different...
Once again some groups have been offended by Bundaberg - this time by their apology. So they tried to explain themselves once more!
This is an apology from Bundaberg Rum for the scene of crocodile dying in their first AD. Apology accepted - cheers!
There are some products that are just so weird, that whatever way you try to promote them will seem a bit fu**ed up...
And this is how you promote a burger - stay focused only on the product and it's benefits ant that will do it... And maybe add a beauty contest winner just in case (Miss Turkey for instance)...
If you don't have loads of money, you are not too good looking or funny - how do you get girls to like you? Yes - this is how:
How would you know if it's time to move on and look for a new job? Well here are some clues for you!
Now that's what I call a perfect kitchen remodeling! I'm guessing maybe I could use some "remodeling" at my place...
You may like your snacks, you may even love your snacks, but this guy... He's just crazy about his Doritos (in a really creepy way)!
It's really unpleasant and painful if you decide to lay off your diet with a maniac wife like this one!
You know how hard it's to get good tires and when you finally get them you won't let them go so easy will you?
And how would you act if knowing that the world is about to end? I'd definetely would join with these guys!
Have you ever wondered what would happen if cats would suddenly evolve and grow opposable thumbs? I know I've spent countless hours and even days pondering... And now Cravendale illustrates this likely possibility in this AD!
You thought that watching TV threatens functionality of your brain? In this AD movie star Alec Baldwin (as we know him) describes the real threat - Hulu!
What would you need the most if you were stranded on desert island? No doubt about it - cold, delicious beer!
You think that in the modern times it's common that men are staying home with the kids while the wifes work. Yiayia also has an opinion about this matter! Also check out Yiayia's thoughts on Relationships and Fashion
Let's hear what Yiayia has to say about this this lovely couple at their relationships!
Blond female stalker with Android phone, who knows her way around the apps... I can't quite form my opinion about this yet...
It seems that men have a lot easier life - so many things less to worry and think about...
Another approval that the world couldn't actually work properly if the beer supply would suddenly stop!